CGS: Dave Gregg and Sequoia Brigade Camp

In this latest episode of The Colin Gunn Show, Colin talks to his friend Dave Gregg, who he knows from his days in Northern California. Dave is the current regional director for the Christian Service Brigade and runs family based camps in Northern California, Oregon, and Washington. Please join Colin and Dave as they discuss the importance of bringing kids to maturity in the faith with practical life experiences. 

CGS: Nathan Conkey, Ashers Baking Co., Waco Biker Massacre

Colin talks to his Northern Irish friend Nathan Conkey about Ashers Baking Company and their 'gay' marriage cake row with authorities.  Colin also gives you an update on some Scottish news along with some thoughts on the recent biker massacre in his hometown of Waco, Texas. 

Scottish News

Scottish Lawmaker: Government Should Seize Private Property for "Social Justice"
Scotland Parliament Rejects Bill to Legalize Assisted Suicide by Large Margin

Support Nathan Conkey
Support Ashers Baking Company



CGS: Bill Cherry, Con- Cons. Tebow Bill Update & Scotland Trip Competition

Travelling back from Midland Texas with Emily and Theodore in the car, Colin talks about the disastrous 'Tebow Bill,' and the neo-conservative compromise within the home-school movement.  Colin had the opportunity to talk to Bill Cherry from the John Birch Society about the 'Constitutional Convention' push in Texas and how that idea could seriously affect our liberties. 

CGS: Dr. Tim Wheeler (Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership)

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Colin returns home after a successful trip to Washington State, and is getting ready for upcoming events in Texas. In this episode he has the privilege of interviewing Dr. Tim Wheeler, organizer of DRGO (Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership), a group that educates health professionals about protecting the Second Amendment rights of their patients.

CGS: Janet Porter - Light Wins Movie

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Recorded from Seattle, Colin talks to Janet Porter about her controversial new documentary film  "Light Wins." In this film Janet, founder and President of Faith 2 Action, traveled the nation for two years, interviewing 100 of our nation's leaders. The film is designed to enlighten and equip Christians to push back the darkness threatening marriage and our freedoms.


CGS: Kim Hartman - No2Tebow Bill

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Colin Talks to Kim Hartman, a home school mom who has taken a stand against the 'Tebow Bill.' This Texas bill has been promoted by the Texas Home School Coalition to require that the University Interscholastic League (UIL) allows home educators  to participate in sports activities at public schools. Colin and Kim talk about the negative impact this bill will have on home school liberty in Texas.

CGS: Dawn Richardson - Vaccines

Returning from a busy week on the road in Colorado, Colin talks to Dawn Richardson from the National Vaccine Information Center about legislation in Texas that seeks to limit vaccine exemptions.

Yekra Player

Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films.


The hidden story about vaccines, drugs and food… Three huge topics in one film. Why put all this in one movie? Because these issues are directly related, and we have an opportunity to harness the millions of us engaged in each of them to overcome the noise put out by the medical-industrial conglomerate. You peel back the layers and see what’s really driving our industrialized food, our vaccine expansion, and our dependence on pharmaceuticals – it’s the same culprit. Huge corporations funded by individual misery, one broken life at a time. These three story lines converge on Wall Street, but this story takes us beyond the problem to the inspiring and empowering role mothers are now taking in uniting to protect their families.